

Multitemporal analysis change detection using Landsat images on the Atlantic coast of Galicia.

2021 locationGalicia, Spain keywordsAnthropocene, Territory, Urbanism technologyCartography, Data analysis and visualization, Remote sensing

Multitemporal cartography of changes detected in each decade, between 1991 and 2020, on the Atlantic coast of Galicia. Areas with loss of vegetation are shown in green, changes in the soil from undeveloped to urbanized in blue, and areas that have gained vegetation in magenta. ©María Moure

The project arises from the reading and careful observation of the territory. It is proposed as a multitemporal investigation on the evolution of the Atlantic coast of Galicia during the last decades of the Anthropocene. It tries to map the changes that have occurred in the territory as a result of human activity and to detect determining and instrumental keys to promote futures from ecological or urban preservation. Likewise, the work operates as a palimpsest that collects the memory of the human and non-human agents of the Rías Baixas, an exercise in registering those overlaps between social and material systems in which culture crystallizes in each era. This territorial archeology also serves as a mnemonic device for an uncertain future that does not leave history aside and learns from it.

Multitemporal cartography of changes detected each year, between 1985 and 2020, on the Atlantic region of O Salnes. Areas with loss of vegetation are shown in white and new built areas in yellow. ©María Moure

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